Downloading photobook app

You don’t need to download an app to design photobooks anymore. Customers used to download and install photobook designer programs on their computers. No need for such inconvenience anymore.

You can do everything online at Bastirgelsin, without downloading the program. You can create your own design through the online photobook software and save & continue your designs anytime you want by getting an account.

Bastirgelsin has the richest online photo editor application. Your adventure begins as soon as you choose the photobook category. Online photo editor app starts when you choose a theme and click “Start Creating”. So using the app which is as detailed as easy to use, you can create your designs like a graphics designer.

There are background options, cliparts, text entry, masks and frames that can be applied on photos, multiple photo layouts, effects that can be applied to photos, transparency adjustment and many other enchancements and customisations to provide freedom of design in the photobook application.

Of course there is also the option to auto-fill photos for those who doesn’t want work on it.

Bastirgelsin’s online photo editor app is the most preferred photobook app in Europe.

If you also want to move your photos out of the digital environment, meet the Bastirgelsin family.