Sending gifts online

Giving gifts is essential to our culture. We even try not to go empty handed to a house visit. It’s possible to prepare online gifts for your loved ones’ special days. And it’s completely personalized.

Gift options you can prepare with your photos are at Bastirgelsin.

You can use photos and add texts. You can create completely personalized designs with our online editor.

You may have a gift package and card written with your words delivered to your desired adress.

Bastirgelsin online gift options:

Photobook (photo album of new age)



Photopolo (polaroid photoprint – in packages)

Photopresentation (photo presentation without need of a stand or frame)

Photocalendar (with wall and desk calendar options)

In all product categories there are theme options available that’ll suit your concept. You can also create completely independent designs using the “blank” option.

Your choice.