Preparing family album

Family is the biggest treasure on Earth. We gather lots of beautiful memories with our family. So what should we do to preserve these memories if we want to keep them forever? The family album you’ll prepare with photos of your beautiful memories will be a great archive.

Thanks to the Bastirgelsin online photo editor application, you can prepare your family album with a theme you like from the photobook category.

After choosing your theme, size and matt-glossy options; press “Start Creating” button. This way you transition into the online family album design application.

You can either upload your photos from your computer or directly from social media. You can choose effects and apply masks and frames on each of your photos. You may add a text area and write in whichever font, colour and size you like. You can tell when, where you are and what you’re doing in the photo. So your family album will be with you as an archive.

Choose Bastirgelsin to create your photobook at album quality. May your best memories always be with you.

Click and start creating now